Crypto Art

MOST EXPENSIVE ARTWORKS Galleries include Art Blocks, Nifty Gateway, SuperRare, Foundation, hic et nunc, MakersPlace, KnownOrigin, and Async Art. More coming soon.

Crypto art is a digital art form. It is treated like physical artwork collections, and owners may have verified ownership of a piece of crypto art. The art world has long had established systems for collection paintings or sculptures

Crypto art (also stylized as CryptoArt or Cryptoart) is a category of art related to blockchain technology. Emerging as a niche genre of artistic work following the development of blockchain networks such as Bitcoin and Ethereum in the mid to late 2010s, crypto art quickly grew in popularity in large part because of the unprecedented ability afforded by the underlying technology for purely digital artworks to be bought, sold, or collected by anyone in a decentralized manner. 


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